Europe needs testing capacity and mitigation strategies
Organisations. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Period. 23 - 29 March 2020
The European CDC warned that with current testing capacity and if nations do not enact mitigation strategies, Europe could see by the middle of April a scenario similar to what China experienced in Hubei province at the beginning of the outbreak.
Spain and Germany are leading the increase in number of confirmed cases, accounting for 12% and 13.5% of newly confirmed cases globally on March 28, totalling 65,719 and 50,871 respectively. While Germany has maintained a relatively low CFR (0.75%), the death toll in Spain (5,138) now exceeding China. The decreasing trend in Italy earlier this week did not continue, as the total number of confirmed cases surpassed 86,498 with an alarming CFR of 10.56%.
— with 15 other developments