
Period. 29 September - 5 October 2020
  • The UNDP in collaboration with UN Women launched the COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker that examines policy measures by governments that integrate a gender lens. The aim of the dashboard is to monitor progress and share best practices that support the social and economic protection of women and girls, including tackling gender-based violence, strengthening women’s economic security and supporting unpaid care work. While Devex reports that only 25 countries have thus far responded, the Tracker has identified that 71% of all government actions (representing 704 measures across 135 countries) focus on these issues. The emphasis on government policy measures reflects the fact that only sustained and long-term planning policies can effectively address the long-term consequences of the pandemic on women and girls, which is why the Tracker aims to provide guidance for policymakers and evidence for advocates to ensure a gender-sensitive COVID-19 policy response.

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