A new paper in the New England Journal of Medicine provides further support for the use of [ ... ]
The WHO has reported a significant drop in flu activity in the Southern Hemisphere which would typically [ ... ]
Rapid and non-invasive antibody diagnostics remain a holy grail in scaling up testing for COVID-19. Preliminary results [ ... ]
During Monday’s media briefing, the WHO Technical Lead for COVID-19 suggested that while those who are infected [ ... ]
Chronology of events On May 1, the NEJM published a study that suggested that two types of [ ... ]
A study in Physics of Fluids reporting on the mechanisms of coughing and airborne transmission of viruses. [ ... ]
An alarming new study of more than 200 million Twitter posts since January that mention COVID-19, estimates [ ... ]
Global demand for face masks has far outpaced supply, impacting health care workers but also the public, [ ... ]
Social Distancing Works An article in Health Affairs examines the role of social distancing measures in reducing [ ... ]
“Impartial, independent, and comprehensive evaluation” For the first time in the WHO’s history, its annual World Health [ ... ]
Two papers suggest that the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for COVID-19 may be “significantly higher” than previously [ ... ]
The Journal for Clinical Medicine Research published a systemic review that provides a comprehensive clinical summary of [ ... ]